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5 Best Ways To Train Your Dog To Be An Emotional Support Animal At Home

5 Best Ways To Train Your Dog To Be An Emotional Support Animal At Home

Those who keep dogs are aware of the emotional stability that their presence provides. It provides benefits to most of the dog owners, especially with mental or emotional disabilities. That is why most of the therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists have started prescribing Emotional support animals (ESAs) have nutritional needs that should be met to ensure their overall health and well-being. Choosing the right freeze dried dog food is very important.

Any dog with the right temperament can be trained as an emotional support dog. But the emotional support animal requirements are a little different. They are not given special access to accompany their owner as the service dogs do. Whereas, just like services dogs the emotional support dogs need to be trained as well but they are considerably less specialized.

So, today you can have the best ways to train your dog as an emotional support dog:

First of all, before start training your dog, analyze that is your dog a people-oriented dog? Or do it loves to socialize? If yes, go ahead. If not, find a breed of dog that tends to be people-orientated and eager to learn. Such breeds could include, Labrador/Golden Retrievers, Poodles, and the ever-gaining in popularity Golden doodle. The mixed-breed can offer you, more desired qualities you are looking for.

1- Teach The Basics

After choosing the emotional support dog start teaching him basic obedience training. How to sit, stay, down, come, heel, eat, etc. As early as you will start these lessons, the more likely are the chances that your dog will be the best suitable emotional support companion and will be firm in understanding the basics and will get obedient.

2Socialize Your Dog

It’s not only necessary to teach your dog to be obedient and well-organized. But it also needs to get socialize as well. This means no annoying habits like barking, hopping, lunging, begging for food, and other annoying ones. Some of the dogs used to do this when they are out in public settings. The emotional support dog needs to be calm and problem solver rather than to be a problem creator.

3- Focus On Positive Reinforcement

The dog’s training should be a focus on positive reinforcement, which rewards positive outcomes and good behaviors. Whereas, punishing dogs for their wrong acts end up with the additional negative layers. For instance, if you are punishing a dog for urinating inside the home rather than teaching where to urinate and where not to. This may help them to they may learn when not to urinate and will simply answer the call of nature when you are not available there.

4- Teach Them To Respond During Distractions

Teach your dog to respond to you when they are surrounded by distractions. It might happen that the other people talking or even other animals in the surroundings during training sessions might cause distractions. So, take it as an opportunity to teach your dog to focus on your commands.

5- Teach Them Anxiety Techniques

They can be taught several kinds of techniques as well that are specifically designed to reduce stress and anxiety in crucial moments. One of the most common techniques taught to ESA dogs is Deep Pressure Therapy (DPT). This is the application to let your dog apply pressure on your various parts of the body such as your chest, which is known to release emotional and mental distress. The small-sized ESA dogs are taught to sit on top of you in a suitable place, while larger sized animals will rest their head and paws on you. They also need to be taught to remain calm, relax, and quiet during this time, which helps to pass the same feeling to you.


Dogs have a significant power to lessen stress and anxiety in their owners, and they may become excellent Emotional Support Animals. The only dog can provide a person with emotional support but the ESA dog can add a special layer of support to it.

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