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7 Reasons to Quit Smoking Today

7 Reasons to Quit Smoking Today

Do you have a cigarette habit that is hard to kick? You’re not alone. Over 20% of the world’s population smokes, and about 50% of those who smoke are unable to stop even though they really want to quit this habit. The addiction can be difficult to overcome, but it’s never too late to make the effort. If you have been a smoker for a long time, you may not be aware of the health risks involved. We’re going to look at a few reasons to quit smoking today.

Quitting cigarettes isn’t always easy, and you can seek professional help. If you need any assistance, visit to learn how you can break this bad habit and live a healthier and more fulfilling life.

You’ll Become Healthier and Breathe Easier

No one wants to be told that smoking is unhealthy, but it doesn’t take a scientific study to prove this. The health risks of cigarette smoking include stroke and heart attacks, lung cancer and emphysema, diabetes, cataracts, and infertility in men. When you stop smoking, your lungs will immediately begin to restore themselves. It takes about seven years to undo the damage caused by smoking, but even after one year of abstinence, your health risks will start to improve.

Money Savings

When you quit smoking, you’ll save money, but you also will be able to spend your money on more important things than cigarettes. The average cost of a pack of cigarettes is $5.51 in the United States. If you smoke 1-2 packs per day, that means around $150-$300 per month, depending on your location. If you are spending that much money on cigarettes, then maybe you don’t have enough money to pay for other necessities. You can even choose to quit smoking, save that money, and take that vacation you’ve always wanted.

You’ll Be Able to Taste Food Again

As a smoker, you are always going to be more sensitive to bitter tastes, since your taste buds will be damaged by the toxins in cigarettes. You won’t be able to taste many of the wonderful flavors of food. When you quit smoking, your senses will return. Your palette will be lit on fire with new tastes and scents that you may not remember experiencing before.

Better Looking Teeth and Skin

As a smoker, you don’t want to touch your face or brush your teeth because of the smell on your hands. You’ll notice that even when you aren’t smoking, you still have a yellowish hue in your teeth and fingernails. Your skin may be dryer than it should be, but when you quit smoking, your skin will have more oxygen since the toxins won’t be saturated into your body. Your teeth will shine again.

Better Sleep at Night

Smoking can interfere with your sleep at night by causing you to have frequent awakenings. When you quit smoking, you’ll be able to sleep all night long. It’s hard to go back to sleep once you wake up from a coughing fit, but after you quit smoking, your lungs will work better and you won’t have any other interruptions. You’ll be able to snooze all night long without having to wake up to smoke another cigarette.

More Energy

You may think that smoking gives you more energy because it calms you down, but the opposite is true. When you quit smoking, your body will start using more oxygen since there are no more toxins in your lungs. You’ll have much more energy throughout the day without having to rely on cigarettes. You’ll even be able to take up a fitness program. That means more exercise and a smaller waistline.

Avoid Weight Gain

When you smoke, you usually crave chocolate and other sugary snacks. If you quit smoking, you won’t be as inclined to binge on junk food. You can even avoid weight gain after quitting smoking by chewing sugarless gum or drinking water whenever you feel like you want a cigarette. This will keep your mouth occupied and help prevent those crazy cravings for sugar.

Quitting smoking isn’t easy, but there are many good reasons to stop this habit today. You owe it to yourself and your body to stop smoking cigarettes. The benefits of quitting will be immediate and long-lasting. Your lungs will thank you for it while simultaneously increasing the lifespan of your heart and blood vessels.

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