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9 Supposedly Harmful Foods That Have Proven to Be Beneficial

9 Supposedly Harmful Foods That Have Proven to Be Beneficial

For 25 years, pasta was considered a very unhealthy food. Today, hard pasta is considered a very valuable slow carbohydrate. But the benefits of olive oil have been the subject of controversy. In our time, several products are being revised that were previously considered harmful, but in fact, can be quite useful. In this article, we will explain the foods you considered to be harmful are actually beneficial for your health.

Beneficial Properties of Harmful Food

Red Meat

Nutrition experts advise eating turkey or chicken but bypass the kebab. But this is in vain. 0.1 kg of lean beef has less fat than the same amount of corn fed chicken: 4.5 g versus 4.8. And the calorie content is not very different.

Also in pork with beef, there is a mass of iron that increases the tone (and in such a form in which it is easily absorbed). And zinc, which is necessary for the proper functioning of immunity. It is best to eat this product cooked on the grill.

White bread

It has long been considered a source of evil. It provokes excess weight and diabetes. But in fact, white bread is rich in very useful substances, including:


This is not only cholesterol, but also phospholipids (building blocks of many cells, including the nerve cells), amino acids from the category of essential, a handful of vitamins, calcium, and antioxidants. If you eat butter wisely, you get it all without the added cholesterol.


Beer when used in moderation can actually be beneficial for health. Beers are rich sources of antioxidants, protein, and vitamin B. Moreover, it also improves the condition of health, if consumed naturally. But do not get carried away with it. Those who have become addicted should stay away from even a glass of beer.

According to alcoholics anonymous, people can drink wine once in a while but those who are fighting alcohol addiction should not think of beer as a substitute as it will only bring harm.


Love for potatoes has also long been strongly condemned by nutritionists. But we are talking more about French fries or many people’s favorite fried potatoes. But baked potatoes are fiber, potassium, and ascorbic acid (in 100 g – about a third of the dose required per day).

And there are many other microelements with vitamins. Starch? Yes, there is a lot of starch, but carbohydrates from these tubers improve all digestive processes and fight bad cholesterol. If anything, there are even mono-diets on potatoes, but only baked: you can eat from ten pieces to one and a half kg per day.


Most of all complaints are caused by lactose, which the older we are, the worse it is absorbed. And this leads to diarrhea and other problems with the intestines and stomach. Many people tolerate milk protein quite well and do not suffer from allergies to it.

In general, lactose (as a component of enzymes) takes an active part in the synthesis of many proteins and fats. Without it, it is unthinkable, for example, intracellular exchange and the work of most organs.

And milk is one and a half hundred different fatty acids, proteins, thiamine, riboflavin, well, calcium with phosphorus, as well as fat-soluble (and not only) vitamins. Anyway, the chemical composition of milk can be described for a long time, and all this is useful.


Yes, cholesterol again, and a lot. If the norm per day is about 300 g, then in the egg it is 213 g. But they do not increase the cholesterol level in the body critically. Moreover, some phospholipids reduce it. What else is there? It has antioxidants and lecithin to prolong youth, vitamin D, many useful minerals, well, and also proteins.

Sweet Fruit

Yes, quite high in calories. Yes, sugar. But here, after all, there are also plant fibers in rather large quantities. They neutralize sugar. They also cleanse the intestines and kill hunger. What do they do with sugar? They just regulate the process of its assimilation. And yet, if in the summer season you manage to eat kg of strawberries per day, then you can put on weight.

Ice cream

This is one of the healthiest desserts. Here you will find enzymes, fatty acids with amino acids, mineral salts, and vitamins. Ice cream is rich in tryptophan, which has a positive effect on sleep, stimulates the production of serotonin, and relieves nervous tension. Tryptophan is also the secret to calmness and a positive attitude.

Other Products With Useful Properties

Many products such as processed and fast food are harmful with no exception. However, there are several more products, the unequivocal harm of which is questionable today. Among them are:

Summing Up

There are many products, the benefits and harms of which are controversial. Our task is to listen to what exactly our body wants and not to abuse what is high in sugar and fat. Excess of anything can ruin the health. Be moderate in your eating regime.

The above foods when used correctly will not cause any harm rather they will provide useful nutrients to the body. The only tip is to be aware of their harms and never over-eat or drink any of the above-listed products. Eat healthily, so you stay healthy!

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