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Reducing Risks of Cytomegalovirus In Pregnancy

Reducing Risks of Cytomegalovirus In Pregnancy

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a common disease affecting more than half of the population.  Most people do not even realize they have CMV, as it causes little to no symptoms.  CMV is a disease that stays in the body for life, and transmitting this virus to a newborn baby can place them at an increased risk of hearing loss or loss in cognitive ability.

According to the CDC, 1 out of every 200 babies are born with CMV.  One out of 5 of those babies born with CMV will have birth defects and other long-term health issues.

Cytomegalovirus can be transmitted to a newborn baby like any communicable disease.  It can also be transferred to a baby through the mother’s placenta.  For pregnant women and new parents, there are certain steps you can take to reduce the risk of transmitting CMV to your baby.  Here are some ways you can do just that.

Wash Your Hands Frequently

Just like with any communicable disease, the best way to prevent spreading is by washing your hands often.  Try to wash them prior to and after changing diapers, feeding the baby, handling toys, and touching pacifiers.  This will significantly reduce the risk of CMV transmission to your baby.

Don’t Share Food or Utensils With Baby

Transmitting CMV could occur by simply sharing an eating utensil with a baby or pregnant woman.  Try to avoid sharing food and eating utensils with babies and/or pregnant women to reduce your risk of transmitting CMV to your baby.

Complications During Pregnancy and Delivery

Disinfect Baby’s Toys and Utensils

Use disinfectant wipes to keep your baby’s toys clean.  Also use disinfecting soap to clean off baby’s bottles and eating utensils to prevent the spread of CMV.

Avoid Kissing Baby With Saliva

When you do kiss your baby, be sure to kiss them with a dry mouth.  CMV can transfer via saliva, so if you’re giving your baby wet kisses, you’re increasing the chance of passing the CMV virus along to them.

These are just a few of the ways you can prevent the spread of CMV to babies and pregnant women.  As you can see, these are common practices of preventing the spread of any communicable disease.  By employing these prevention measures, you can reduce the risk of your baby contracting CMV as well as other harmful diseases and viruses.  Check out these online support groups for new moms for additional resources on CMV.

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