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The Different Stages Of Baby Teething And How Baby Teethers Can Make It Less Painful

Teething, or odontiasis, happens when your baby’s teeth come through the gum line. Some babies teethe late, while others are born with a few small teeth already. Typically, however, it is more likely for most babies to undergo the following stages of teething:

The Different Stages Of Baby Teething

Stage One (0-6 Months)- after the fourth month, your baby may start to experience bouts of uncomfortable teething episodes, although no teeth are visible just yet. However, while some babies already have a few teeth from birth, others won’t get them until the twelfth month. Now is a good time to invest in a collection of teething toys.

Stage Two (6-10 Months)- your child should produce a few teeth in this stage, which may cause restless days and sleepless nights. Lower central incisors could be the first teeth to appear, followed by upper central, upper lateral and lower lateral incisors. Baby teethers can help soothe their sore gums.

Stage Three (10-16 Months)- primary molar teeth will erupt in this stage, which allow your child to start chewing. They could start from upper molars, followed by lower molars. Because molars are bigger, stage three can be quite painful for your baby. Expect to see plenty of drooling and dribbling. Your baby may have slight fever and upset tummy too. Between 12-14 months, your child should have at least four upper and four lower molars. You can provide relief by offering your baby a teething toy that has been chilled in the refrigerator.

Stage Four (16-22 Months)- in this stage, it is time for canine teeth to erupt, which will cause additional discomfort and pain. Two upper canines will appear first, between the first molars and incisors, followed later by two lower canines.

Stage Five (25-33 Months)- get your teething toys ready for this one as it can be the most painful teething stage, because the biggest teeth will erupt through your child’s gum. Fortunately, your child can tell you what’s the problem. Lower second molars or two lower molars at the very back will be the first to emerge, followed by two upper back molars. When the final stage is concluded, your child should have a complete set of 20 deciduous or milk teeth.

Contact YB Handmade London

To learn more about the different stages of baby teething and how baby teethers can make it less painful, contact YB Handmade London today and shop a wide selection of beautifully designed, high quality handmade goods!

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