9 Winter Activities for Newborns

9 Winter Activities for Newborns

9 Winter Activities for Newborns

Now that the holidays are over, you might be asking yourself, “What do I do with my newborn in the winter?” After all, many winter activities for babies on the internet are geared towards the one-year-and-older crowd. Newborns can’t do arts and crafts (not by themselves, anyway). They can’t play in the snow. And they’re still too young for those sensory play bins you keep seeing on Pinterest.

So, what is a new parent to do? The good news is that newborns are easily entertained by the simplest things. In fact, your smile is enough to keep them entranced! But if you’re looking for additional ways to boost your baby’s development, bond with your newborn and preserve your own sanity, we’ve got you covered. Here are nine winter activities for newborns that are sure to help get you and your baby through the cold, long months ahead.

Read to Your Baby

It’s never too early to start reading to your baby. Reading baby books to your newborn can give them a head start on language and literacy skills. Plus, it’s a fantastic way to build intimacy with a newborn and calm your little one down before bed. Snuggle up with your baby and read the classics like Eric Carle’s The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Ezra Jack Keats’s The Snowy Day.

Have a Winter Photoshoot

The new year is the perfect time to have a photoshoot for your baby. Think about it: You can take advantage of all those post-holiday sales and find adorable baby clothes for your newborn to wear for the photoshoot. January through April is also the slow season for professional photographers, so you should have no trouble finding someone to take amazing photos of your newborn at a time that works for you.

9 Winter Activities for Newborns

Go for a Quick Stroll

Who says you need to be cooped up all winter long? Bundle up your newborn in cozy winter layers and take a quick stroll around the neighborhood. A change of scenery and a little fresh air can do wonders for your mood. Regular walks can benefit the baby, too. According to a study published in the Journal of Sleep, babies may sleep longer when they are exposed to more sunlight in the early afternoon. That being said, be sure to limit having your baby out in the cold to 20-30 minutes.

Bathe with Your Baby

Honestly, who doesn’t enjoy taking a warm bath on a blustery, cold day? When the mercury drops to uncomfortably cold levels, hop in the tub with your little cutie and reap the benefits of skin-to-skin contact. Bathing with your newborn is an amazing bonding activity that both of you are sure to enjoy. When bathing with your newborn, make sure the water temperature isn’t too hot. And remember to never leave your baby alone in the tub––not even for one second.

Engage in Sensory Play

Sure, your baby may not be ready for a sensory play bin just yet, but they can still engage in sensory play. For instance, tummy time is an excellent source of sensory play for newborns. Dress your baby in a long-sleeve Onesies® Bodysuit to keep them comfy and warm as they work on developing their neck muscle strength, gross motor skills and flexibility. Another way to start sensory play with a newborn? Exposing them to different colors, lights and sounds with musical toys that light up and sing.

Check Out Local Events

Not all winter events come to a screeching halt by the end of December. If you’re looking for winter activities you can do with a newborn in tow, check out your city’s event page and see if there are any family-friendly events going on in your area. For instance, does your city have a winter farmers market? You could bundle up your newborn and take them along as you shop for fresh produce and gourmet treats.

Make a Newborn Keepsake

You were probably too busy (and, frankly, too exhausted) during the holidays to make a DIY keepsake craft for your baby. So, why not do it now? The newborn phase goes by so fast, but you can capture it forever by using your baby’s handprint to make a lovely keepsake. Simply order a hand/footprint making kit online or make your keepsake from scratch with this homemade salt dough recipe from Mommy Moment.

9 Winter Activities for Newborns

Sign Up for Mommy-and-Me Yoga Classes

Looking for a way to connect with your newborn and ease back into exercising? Sign up for a mommy-and-me yoga class. Also known as “baby and me” yoga, mommy-and-me yoga classes are exactly what they sound like: You do yoga with your baby in tow. These classes are a great way to connect with fellow moms and get out of the house when it’s cold. Oh, and the best part? Nobody cares if your baby gets a little fussy mid-warrior two pose because you’re with mama yogis who get it.

Walk the Mall

Is the weather too cold to walk outside with your baby? If you feel comfortable taking your baby out in public, consider going to the mall on a weekday morning when it’s least likely to be busy. Holiday shopping is over and done with, so you should only run into the regular mall walkers and occasional shoppers.

Of course, it’s still a good idea to take precautions and get the all-clear from your doctor. If you decide to walk the mall, try to avoid anyone who is clearly sick and don’t let anyone touch your baby. Also, make sure your baby is up-to-date on all of their vaccinations.

There you have it! Nine winter activities for newborns that will help you bond with your baby and preserve your sanity during the cold season. And remember––if you decide to take your baby out in the cold weather, be sure to bundle them up properly in cozy layers.

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