Things to Know Before C-Section

Things to Know Before C-Section

Having a baby is the most exciting thing that a couple could ever have after nine long months. Still, as you come closer to that day when you are scheduled to hold your baby in your arms, things usually get uncertain. You start to feel more anxious, especially when it is a case of cesarean section or C-section.

Considering that one of the three women in the United States goes through C-section, it is a significant concern for moms. Knowing some of the untold facts about it breaks down the anxiety of being uncertain and unaware of it.

This article helps you understand some of the main points about your C-section that are usually untold; knowing about your scheduled delivery and having these facts in your mind will prepare both you and your spouse to welcome your baby.

Despite Being Very Common, C-Section Do Carry Some Risk

Although technological advancement reduced the worries about potential miscarriages but still having the second option than a normal delivery is risky; this includes infection, blood loss, and damage to the surrounding organs when performing the procedure. To be very sure, consult your doctor freely and discuss each and everything without any hesitation; after all, it’s your body that’ll have the cut

Getting Undressed to get Dressed for OT 

Preparing for the operation theatre will require you to get out of your nice attire and wear the standard procedure outfit. It will be a single long piece of cloth, usually green, that will cover your entire body and is most suitable to carry on the cesarean. However, after the procedure, it will get blooded from you, but you won’t mind it being excited to hold your baby for the first time.

They Might Tie you 

Sounds strange? Well, don’t worry, it’s not as cruel as it sounds. Staff ties the patient with the procedure stature to prevent any unusual movement from her, like getting up to hold your baby out of excitement or getting afraid from the equipment. To be relaxed and prevent this from happening, be positive and patient during the procedure, and don’t panic if the staff is tying you due to safety concerns, its completely normal

I won’t Last Long  

The overall procedure, from giving you anesthesia, cutting your abdomen, taking the baby out, and stitching you, usually lasts no more than 40 minutes. Besides, you are injected with local anesthesia that allows you to stay conscious during the surgery. Frankly, it is not a big deal when you are about to have the most desired thing of your life at that time.

How much pain will you feel in the procedure?

Usually, a nurse will shave your pubic hair to clear the path for the incision. You won’t feel any pain until the surgery is started.

However, according to some doctors that are expert and experienced in C-section some patients feel a bit of a pain when peritoneum (tissue that covers the abdomen) is touched. This tissue is tough to anesthetize. Therefore, vertical cuts are preferred compared to horizontal cuts.

What you will Hear when the C Section is in Process

The anesthesiologist will most probably give you anesthesia through an injection in your back that will most probably get you numb from the rib cage.

Doctors will put a curtain across your midsection, so you can’t see what is going on in that procedure. You would not be in your senses. However, you would try your best to hear what they are doing to you. You will most likely hear multiple nurses, one anesthesiologist, and one additional doctor that might be observing the process.

How Long will it Take to Recover?

Image result for C-Section

Just after the one day of the surgery, you will be not be allowed to take the solids. However, some doctors let you eat solids depending upon your condition. Still, most of the doctors wait for 24 hours until you pass the gas; that is a clue that your intestines are correctly functioning. You will be asked to do a lot of rest and wear pads as there is little bleeding.

The next day doctor will keep you on the heavy pain killers as anesthesia will be finished. You will feel like a motor moving inside you. That is a sign that your intestines are getting back to their normal position and trying to work correctly. This might slow down your bowels.

On the third day, most of the patients are sent back home. However, if someone is not recovering properly, doctors keep them in hospital for some more time to ensure safety. Patients who are sent back are recommended to take some pain killers; otherwise, they would not feel right and would not breastfeed their baby.

When all this process is done, you go to the doctor after two weeks for a wound check-up to know how your wounds are healing so far, and by this time, you will feel like you’ve been handling kids since forever. Also, it is very important that there is no alcohol consumption during the recovery.

Side Effects

There are multiple side effects of the C section if you compare it with standard delivery. You will feel nausea, extreme weakness, cramps, and fatigue. Another bad thing about C-Section will make it uncomfortable for you to cough and even laugh. Temperature can also be a side effect, but it is most probably due to the infection.

The more you will prepare yourself for the C-section, the least anxious you will be driving to the hospital. In addition to all the facts stated above, stay cheerful and willing to welcome your baby and talk to your consultant about any other concerns you have regarding your procedure.


More than anything it is important that you prepare yourself mentally for the caesarean. The necessary guidance will help you manifold to cope with the overall procedure.

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